Château de Villandry

1690 30/07/2015 5
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Château de Villandry

Château de Villandry - After opening the Sun Garden to the public in June 2008 and three new rooms in the castle between 2006 and 2007, the Château de Villandry is focusing its attention on the welcome of visitors and on being a quality venue. As a matter of fact, at the end of 2009 the site was awarded the “Label Qualité Tourisme” (Quality Tourism Classification) by the Ministry of Tourism, thus recognising its activities in terms of its upkeep and enhancement, as well the tradition of welcome that has been firmly established in Villandry for almost one hundred years.This year again visitors will be to take advantage of the castle which has been entirely restored and furnished, as well as 4 exhibitions, 4 events about gardens and 2 exceptionnal events… Above all, visitors will be able to admire the outstanding beauty of the gardens. The vegetable garden in particular is gradually becoming organic: hoeing, digging, beneficial insects, etc. are back in favour, resulting in the reduction of the use of phytosanitary treatments. It is a turning point as well as a challenge, thus ensuring the continuation of Villandry as an impressive, welcoming and outstanding site! Au fil des quatre saisons et au gré de vos envies que vous pourrez découvrir tous les charmes de Villandry… Ses longues allées de tilleuls qui structurent les quatre niveaux de jardin, élégantes silhouettes d’ifs en topiaire, parterres délicatement bordés de buis, légumes et fleurs, senteurs et couleurs, calme et dynamisme, quiétude et effervescence…Villandry, site chargé d’esthétisme et de convivialité, de savoir-faire et d’innovation, de professionnalisme et d’esprit de famille vous ravira le cœur ! A découvrir aussi en 2016 : quatre expositions et quatre manifestations. Pour les 7/12 ans et leurs familles, notre livret jeu « Le sortilège de Jean le Breton » et les huit stations d’interprétation vous offriront une promenade ludique dans les jardins. Château de Villandry - cette vidéo traite de drone