Villa de Leyva

1423 04/08/2015 15
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Villa de Leyva

Sky Zoom: Villa de Leyva, Ráquira y el Puente de Boyacá desde un drone Villa de Leyva - Boyacá, Colombia Un sobrevuelo por estos reconocidos lugares que hacen parte del departamento de Boyacá en Colombia. Acompáñenos y vuele con nosotros en un drone. ¿Necesita de nuestros servicios?, escríbanos a [email protected]  An overflight by these renowned places that are part of the department of Boyaca in Colombia . Join us and fly with us in a drone . VSP Group, my partner program. Get connected! youpartnerwsp.comOne of the most beautiful colonial villages in Colombia, Villa de Leyva is a city frozen in time. Declared a national monument in 1954, the photogenic village has been preserved in its entirety with cobblestone roads and whitewashed buildings The city's physical beauty and mild, dry climate have long attracted outsiders. The town was founded in 1572 by Hernán Suárez de Villalobos, who named it for his boss, Andrés Díaz Venero de Leyva, the first president of the New Kingdom of Granada. It was originally a retreat for military officers, clergy and nobility. In recent years an influx of wealthy visitors and expats has slowly transformed this once-hidden gem. Boutique hotels, gourmet restaurants and tacky tourist shops are replacing many of the old family hosterías, cafes and the authenticity. The 2007 telenovela (soap opera) Zorro: La Espada y la Rosa was filmed here, bringing further publicity to the city. On weekends the narrow alleys can get downright crammed with day-trippers from Bogotá. But thankfully on weekdays the city reverts to a peaceful, bucolic village, one of the loveliest places in Colombia. Read more: