Tree of Life Bahrain

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Tree of Life Bahrain

Tree of Life Bahrain تصوير جوي شجرة الحياة البحرين  Bahrain The Tree of Life Shajarat-al-Hayat  is an approximately 400 year-old, 9.75 m (32 ft) high Prosopis cineraria tree. The tree stands on top of a 7.6 m (25 ft) high sandy tell that formed around a 500-year-old fortress. The tree is a local tourist attraction, visited by approximately 50,000 tourists every year. It is believed to be the site for cults practising ancient rites. Since October 2010, archaeologists have unearthed pottery and other artifacts in the vicinity of the tree,[2] some of which may date back to the Dilmun civilisation.Designed by Belienska Basmaji, the tree of life visitor’s centre is conceived as a protective circular fence that protects the tree from cars and vandalism while offering a shelter from which people can contemplate the tree from a distance. The visitor’s centre will also include archaeological artifacts, which were uncovered on site, as well as a small stage for outdoor performances and events.The mystery status of the Tree of Life in Bahrain is somewhat exaggerated. The ground, where the tree grows, is just some 9 - 12 m above the sea level and groundwater level in this location is higher than the sea level. Not too far from the tree are seen ponds with water. The air here often is also humid - and mesquite is well adapted to gain the moisture from the air as well. Closer inspection of the area shows other trees nearby. One smaller tree grows some 850 meters to the north from the Tree of Life.Local stories tell that Tree of Life was planted here in 1583. The tree survived up to this day. It looks very healthy and has fresh, green leaves. It grows on a small sand hill looking majestic in the harsh desert and is visible from far away. Tree of Life Bahrain - the best aerial videos
