Fortezza delle Verrucole

1360 13/03/2015 212
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Fortezza delle Verrucole

Fortezza delle Verrucole Aerial Via del Forte, Verrucole,Italy This video gives an aerial impression of the Fortezza delle Verrucole, whose built started in the 11th century. It is now being maintained by the "Progetto Archeopark", a community project where the management of the castle is put in the hands of mediavalist volunteers.I was impressed by the detailed and passionate resurrection of the fortress by its maintainers. Unlike a traditional museum, this castle gives a living impression upon how live was at this place. The footage was filmed within half an hour on 20th of June, 2014, just before the Italian national soccer team played England in the WM 2014, so it can just give a quick bird's eye impression. When visiting, expect a true "castle captain" feeling when looking over the caste walls, while checking out the true chainmal replica, or trying on the quilted armor and the "falcon" of the normal infantry, or even battling it out on the castle entrance, if you feel like it. local Management and Assistent to Director: Sebi 
