Eighteen Hole Golf Course

1507 09/04/2015 9
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Eighteen Hole Golf Course

Eighteen Hole Golf Course Maintenance.Holiday Island Drive, Holiday Island, Arkansas, United States.The industry debate over how much a club should budget to maintain its golf course seems never-ending, and that’s understandable. The course consumes a significant portion of the cash required to run a club and it is also one of the most visible and member-impacting amenities, so a high degree of focus is justified.As a start, let’s consider the following scenario: While the median club in the country spends close to $1.2M on course maintenance, two clubs within a few miles of each other spend $700K and $1.75M respectively on their 18-hole courses. We all know, and have probably played at, clubs on both ends of this spectrum.Since we began working in the club industry in 2010, we’ve had the opportunity to interact with leaders of hundreds of clubs across the country. Typically, the discussions we hear about course maintenance budgets involve benchmarks such as cost per hole or cost per acre and a variety of specific characteristics ranging from type of grass to geographic location. To understand the way in which these factors might be used determine how much money a club spends on course maintenance, we undertook extensive analysis of club industry data, studying clubs that range in annual revenue from $1M to $40M, exist in nearly every state in the country, have nine through 108 holes, grow every type of grass and see variation of seasonality, weather conditions and rainfall. www.clubbenchmarking.com An aerial video tour of the Ace Club's 18 Hole Golf Course near Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Each of the 18 hole fly overs we flow via remote controlled helicopter with a specially designed RC Helicam system for the purpose of aerial photography and video. Despite a very windy day at the location we managed to fly all Eighteen holes.