Northwest Mog-Fest 2015

2182 27/08/2015 11

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Northwest Mog-Fest 2015

Beach Run Northwest Mog-Fest 2015/Bob Straub State Park, Pacific City, Oregon, United States/A quickly edited video and first attempt at flying a DJI Phantom 3 along side my Vanagon while driving down the beach at Pacific City, Oregon.Music provided by permission from "Everyday Prophets" from Portland, Oregon. Thanks guys!!Curiously enough, the Safe Flight feature of the Phantom 3 in recognizing restricted zones worked perfectly. I didn't know there was a small airport above the beach but my Phantom did. At the end, when we stopped in the sand, it was because I was receiving a warning that I was entering the restricted airport zone and did not want to have my Phantom land suddenly by itself in the sand. Future similar flights should be a lot smoother than this one but it's still a fun video.The video was shot in HD 1080 at 60 FPS