Liuchonghe Bridge

1851 25/04/2016 151

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Liuchonghe Bridge

Liuchonghe Bridge Aerial view of Liuchonghe bridge 航拍六冲河大桥 Bazi, Zhijin, Guizhou, China The second highest cable stayed span on earth, the Liuchonghe Bridge is part of a new highway between Zhijin and Qianxi in Guizhou Province. The expressway will eventually extend north to Renhuai and beyond. The Liuchonghe River is a tributary of the Wujiang River which has more high bridges across it then any other river in the world except for the Beipanjiang River. The Northeast side of the Liuchong canyon contains a nearly vertical cliff wall over 150 meters high. The two towers measure 190 and 157.6 meters tall. The spectacular location is nearly picture perfect with few roads or buildings anywhere in the area. In 2013 the bridge joined Mexico's Baluarte Bridge as one of only two cable stayed spans to exceed the height of the Millau Viaduct in France. Liuchonghe Bridge 六冲河特大桥 Zhijin, Guizhou, China 1,115 feet high / 340 meters high 1,437 foot span / 438 meter span 2013