Qingshui Bridge Video

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Qingshui Bridge Video

Qingshui Bridge Video Aerial View Qingshui Arch and Nearby Beautiful Villages 航拍清水大桥与中国最美乡村 Panlongxiang, Guizhou, China/The second highest bridge along the Shuihuang Highway between Zhenning and Liupanshui, the Qingshui Bridge is one of China's last truss arch bridges to be constructed. Opened to traffic in 2003, the bridge has a main span of approximately 150 meters and crosses high above a creek whose waters eventually drain into the mighty Beipanjiang to the south. This picture perfect setting is enhanced by the creek tumbling down a crevice formed from two mountain peaks that soar several hundred meters above the west side of the highway.The Shuihuang highway is one of China's most beautiful 2-lane roads, traversing the edge of a mountain range that overlooks wide meadows and jagged peaks with little evidence of people outside of the occasional farm houses that dot the slopes. The largest and most spectacular bridge on the highway is the Azhihe suspension bridge which crosses 247 meters above a cliff-lined river gorge.//www.highestbridges.com Qingshui Bridge 清水大桥 Panlongxiang, Guizhou, China 482 feet high / 147 meters high (492) foot span / (150) meter span 2003 //Qingshui bridge located in Shuicheng county,west of Guizhou, is a part of Shuihuang highway(from Shuicheng to Huangguoshu). With 150m span and 147m high, if it not located in China,will join Top 50 highest bridges and Top 10 highest archs in the(outside China) world,but in west Guizhou,it totally merged by numerous higher bridges,even almost no one known it. This bridge cross a very narrow gorge surrounded by limestone mountains,inside the gorge,we can seen from this video there are 2 creeks come from different direction. Some small villages and very beautiful terrace located near this bridge, full of tropical plants. After all,there are no visitors in this area,you can stay here one day still not meet a travels.There are another 2 porcelain high bridges in Shuihuang highway not far from Qingshui bridge: Azhihe bridge and Balinghe highspeed railway bridge(the highway cross beneath this bridge). 清水大桥位于水黄公路西段,为主跨150米,高147米的拱桥。其高度在中国以外可以进入前50名,拱桥的前十名,但在200米以上高桥众多的贵州西部,却不为外人所知。其实该桥风光秀丽惊人,青山绿水间,一座拱桥横跨极深极窄的峡谷半山腰,从视频可以看出,此峡谷内部分岔,成为两道深邃的裂缝。桥下游不远还有座小拱桥。临近村庄的梯田美丽无比,村落中长满芭蕉和热带植物。最关键的是....一个游客也没有。游客众多闹如集市的那是人造景观,这种没有游客完全保持原貌的才是美丽乡村,这是我将其称为“中国最美乡村”的根本原因。(另有视频中看不出的,已开发乡村不但物价奇贵,不另行宰客就是好事。这种没有游客的地方民风淳朴,外人进村一律土鸡招待,付钱时尽量多找,不过村里的狗从没见过外人,看见生人会汪汪叫,它们不咬人的只是喊而已。) 这条水黄公路不远处还有风景绮丽的阿志河大桥、沪昆高铁坝陵河铁路桥(公路从高铁桥下穿过,可能是世界拍摄超高墩高铁梁桥的最佳地点)两座风光顶尖的高桥,三桥具体介绍见下面链接