Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

1889 12/09/2016 39
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Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

Seljalandsfoss waterfall and Gljufrafoss waterfall Eyjafjallajokull big enought to stand inside. Þórsmerkurvegur, Iceland Seljalandsfoss waterfall is one of the best known places in Iceland. Seljalandsfoss is located in the South Region in Iceland right by Route 1 (Iceland) and the road that leads to Þórsmörk Road 249. The waterfall is one of the most popular waterfalls and natural wonders in Iceland. The waterfall drops 60 meters and is part of the river Seljalands-river that has its origin in the volcano glacier Eyjafjallajokull. One of the interesting things about this waterfall is the fact that visitors can walk behind it into a small cave. Gljufrafoss waterfall ( Gljúfrafoss or Gljúfrabúi ) "one who lives in the canyon" is a small waterfall north of the larger falls of Seljalandsfoss waterfall in Iceland. The falls are partially obscured by the cliff rock, but hikers can follow a trail to enter the narrow canyon where the water plummets to a small pool. There is also a winding trail nearby and a wooden staircase to enable sightseers to climb roughly halfway up and view the falls from another perspective. Visit and check my channel to see more of the most beautiful places on our planet:Feel free to embed on your website any video from this channel via the YouTube player, for commercial or non-commercial use (no need to ask for permission). The videos in the channel are licensed/shared under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You can use parts of the videos (except for the music and intro) for non-commercial purposes, given that you provide proper attribution to this YT channel.Footage and videos can be licensed out by contacting us, we have more aerial and ground shots.