Plover Cove Reservoir

2421 18/10/2016 107
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Plover Cove Reservoir

Plover Cove Reservoir. 巨型堤壩 - 船灣淡水湖 (Plover Cove Reservoir) [4K航拍]Hong Kong, Hongkong.Plover Cove Reservoir is located in Tai Po in the northeastern New Territories, is the largest reservoir in Hong Kong in terms of area, and the second-largest in terms of volume. It was the first in the world to construct a lake from an arm of the ocean. Its main dam was one of the largest in the world at the time of its construction, disconnecting Plover Cove from the sea. 船灣淡水湖位於大埔八仙嶺及船灣郊野公園內,是香港面積最大,容水量第二大的水塘,亦是全球第一個在海中興建的水塘。水塘的龐大興建工程是一個史無前例的項目,工程師把海灣用堤壩攔起,將海水抽出,然後注入淡水。音樂 Music:Chained story by soundorbis (from DOVA-s)