Kei Ling Ha Hoi

2052 18/10/2016 107
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Kei Ling Ha Hoi

Kei Ling Ha Hoi 馬鞍下海灣 - 企嶺下海 (Kei Ling Ha Hoi) [4K航拍]Kei Ling Ha Hoi , Hong Kong, Hongkong.'Kei Ling Ha' is an area on the Sai Kung Peninsula, it is also known as 'three fathoms cove'. 'Kei Ling' refers to 'Ma On Shan', 'Ha Hoi' conceptually means 'the sea at the bottom of ...' in Chinese, 'Kei Ling Ha Hoi' means 'the sea at the bottom of Ma On Shan' as a whole. Wu Chau nearby is a tombolo to Kei Ling.位於西貢北,又稱「三噚海」。「企嶺」即是馬鞍山,「企嶺下海」意思便是馬鞍山下面的海。沿岸全是紅樹林及泥灘,鄰近的烏洲是一個連島沙洲。 音樂 Music:Wonderful Snows by Mr. Kimy