Wu Kai Sha Beach

1702 08/11/2016 107
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Wu Kai Sha Beach

熱鬧的黃昏 - 烏溪沙日落(Sunset at Wu Kai Sha Beach 4K 航拍 Wu Ka Sha Ferry is located at Ma On Shan, 'the heart of the ocean' in Wu Kai Sha Beach is widely known, an lonely elder spent 3 years to build the giant heart by numerous rocks, aiming to bring happiness to the visitors. In addition, Wu Kai Sha is a hotspot for sunset. 烏溪沙碼頭位於馬鞍山,旁邊烏溪沙沙灘的海之心為著名特徵,背後是一位孤獨長者的故事:將近80歲的吳伯伯為了聽到每位前來沙灘的人的歡笑聲,他每日清晨風雨不改前來義務執走沙灘的亂石,並用了3年多時間把亂石堆砌成「海之心」。此外,烏溪沙碼頭也是日落熱點。 音樂 Music:夏の夕暮れ時には by mick