Longchang Aqueduct video

1551 21/11/2016 151

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Longchang Aqueduct video

Longchang Aqueduct video Aerial View the Highest and Largest Aqueduct in the World 航拍世界最大最高的渡槽 Liuzhi Tequ, Liupanshui Shi, Guizhou Sheng, China/Longchang Aqueduct,located in Longchangxiang,Liuzhi county,Guizhou province. It's a 200m span,125m high arch,cross a small tributary of Sanchahe, and local road X107, not far from Liuzhi city. 黔中水利枢纽总干渠龙场渡槽,位于贵州省六枝县龙场乡,为主跨200米,高达125米的拱桥。跨越三岔河的支流和107县道。其跨度和高度都是世界前所未有的。