Kam Tin Water Hyacinths

1334 24/11/2016 107
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Kam Tin Water Hyacinths

Kam Tin Water Hyacinths 朝生暮死 - 錦田鳳眼藍 (Water Hyacinths at Kam Tin) [4K航拍]Fung Kat Heung Rd, Kam Tin, Hong Kong/The water hyacinth is a floating plant. This invasive nuisance is planta non grata in much of the world where it often jams rivers and lakes with uncounted thousands of tons of floating plant matter. 鳳眼藍原產地是熱帶和亞熱帶的南美洲地區,但由於粗生,數量太多會阻塞水道,屬於入侵物種。開花只有一天,朝生暮死,但毎天有新花朶開放,當有一大片鳳眼藍,每株在不同日子開放,綠葉紫花仍可維持一至數個星期