碧綠翠鳥 - 釣魚翁 – 航拍 – High Junk Peak

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碧綠翠鳥 - 釣魚翁 – 航拍 – High Junk Peak

碧綠翠鳥 - 釣魚翁 - 航拍 - High Junk Peak Country Trail 碧綠翠鳥 - 釣魚翁 - 航拍 (High Junk Peak) [4K航拍]High Junk Peak Country Trail, Hong Kong, Hongkong/ 釣魚翁位於西貢清水灣半島,西貢三尖之一,與蚺蛇尖及屯門青山合稱為「香港三尖」。山尖似翠鳥又稱「釣魚郎」的嘴巴,因而得名。山頂景觀一流,既可俯瞰清水灣一帶美景,遠可欣賞東龍島及香港島的景色。 High Junk Peak is located in the Clear Water Bay Peninsula, it is one of the three treacherous peaks in Hong Kong, the other two sharp peaks of Hong Kong are ‘Sharp Peak’ (蚺蛇尖) and ‘Castle Peak’ (青山). It is called ‘High Junk Peak’ because it is literally ‘fisherman’ and it looks like a kingfisher.