金黃稻田 - 塱原濕地 – 航拍 – Long Valley Wetland

1432 22/12/2016 107
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金黃稻田 - 塱原濕地 – 航拍 – Long Valley Wetland

 金黃稻田 - 塱原濕地 - 航拍 - Long Valley Wetland 金黃稻田 - 塱原濕地 - 航拍 (Long Valley) [4K航拍] Hong Kong Long Valley Wetland/ 香港塱原濕地/Long Valley Wetland, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong 塱原濕地位於新界北,上水燕崗及河上鄕一帶。原是候鳥天堂,因港鐵落馬洲支線的發展,嚴重影響當地生態。此外,塱原一帶屬於洪氾平原,因土地肥沃及水源充足,非常適合種植稻米。但隨著香港農業萎縮,農地被荒廢,對塱原濕地生態亦帶來嚴重影響。 Long Valley Wetland is located in northern area in New Territories, near Ho Sheung Heung and Yin Kong. Many birds come to the wetland in winter because the farmlands are an ideal breeding site. Crop-growing is practiced in the area. Recently, agriculture went into recession in Hong Kong, the wetland is adversely affected by the abandonment of farmlands. ***提示***【本片意在介紹香港僅存的淡水濕地和稻田,藉此讓更多人認識塱原濕地的生態,對保護生態加深興趣。我們不鼓勵航拍使用者在此進行拍攝,因濕地範圍常有稀有鳥類出現,為避免鳥類被聲音驚嚇,只適宜靜心欣賞。】