蜿蜒山巒 - 蛇嶺 – 航拍 – She Leng

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蜿蜒山巒 - 蛇嶺 – 航拍 – She Leng

 蜿蜒山巒 - 蛇嶺 - 航拍 - She Leng Aerial Video 蜿蜒山巒 - 蛇嶺 - 航拍 (She Leng) [4K航拍] She Leng is located in northern New Territories, near Lok Ma Chau, Crest Hill and Ma Tso Lung. She Leng is 143m high, its mountain connected with Tit Hang Shan, the trail on that mountain looks like a snake. The restricted area near to She Leng is opened to the public, the opened area become a hotspot for sunset viewing. 蛇嶺位於新界北區落馬洲邊境,鄰近大石磨及馬草壟的一個小山丘。蛇嶺高度海拔143米,與相連的鐵坑山形成了蜿蜒曲折的山脈,猶如蛇的身驅一樣。山上可欣賞蠔殼圍漁塘及福田口岸景色,自從邊境禁區開放後,成為了攝影發燒友新興拍攝日落的熱門地點之一。