Plaza Mayor del Cusco

1377 09/09/2018 17

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Plaza Mayor del Cusco

Plaza Mayor del Cusco. Flying over Cusco, Peru's Plaza de Armas with a DJI Phantom 3 pro drone South America from Above Cuzco, Peru. Cusco’s main square – Plaza de Armas – is a busy and vibrant space that marks the colonial centre of the city. The plaza, which features wide stone pathways and well-kept colourful gardens, is home to two iconic buildings: Cusco Cathedral and the Church La Compañía de Jesús. Cusco’s Plaza de Armas covers part of the area that was once the Haukaypata – The Great Inca Square. Today however, Spanish colonial buildings and long stone arcades dominate the architecture of the plaza, but many of the precisely carved Inca walls remain as foundations. The plaza is where many of the city’s most important gatherings, events and festivals take place, including Inti Raymi the Inca Festival of the Sun and the religious festival of Corpus Christi.The plaza is always bustling with activity whatever time of the day (or night), and is great place to soak up the laid back atmosphere of this Andean city. Plaza Mayor del Cusco - librería de vídeos con drone.