The Largest Railway Viaduct Fenhe

2226 07/05/2019 151

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The Largest Railway Viaduct Fenhe

The Largest Railway Viaduct Fenhe. Railway Bridge Menghua 蒙华铁路汾河大桥铺轨. Fenhe Railway Bridge Menghua is the largest railway viaduct in the world. There may be higher railway viaducts in China but none is as gargantuan as the Fenhe Railway Bridge Menghua. Stretching an incredible 7,980 meters, this concrete army of 216 piers is the largest railway viaduct in the world. Snaking across the wide Fen River valley, 96 of these piers exceeds 50 meters in height. The Fenhe Bridge is part of the Menghua Railway, a double line route that is the longest heavy haul freight railway in the world at 1,817 kilometers connecting China with Western Inner Mongolia. The line can handle cargo trains as heavy as 20,000 tons. The deepest pier foundations extend as far as 91 meters underground.