Jimingsansheng Scenic Area

1590 04/09/2019 151

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Jimingsansheng Scenic Area

Jimingsansheng Scenic Area 鸡鸣三省风景区. Jimingsansheng Bridge was completed in 2017 to allow greater access to a scenic tourist spot along the edge of the Chishuihe River canyon. The location is near a tripoint of 3 Provinces including Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. A cliffwalk more then 200 meters above the river on the Sichuan side will now become more accessible to tourists from Yunnan and Guizhou. Xuyong County of Sichuan and Zhenxiong County of Yunnan agreed to each pay 50% of the 59 million Yuan bridge cost. The 2-lane concrete arch will be 1,041 meters long with a main span of 180 meters and long approaches on the Sichuan side of 638 meters and 141 meters on the Yunnan side. The width will be 11.5 meters with 1.25 meter sidewalks on both sides. www.highestbridges.com