Golubačka tvrđava 4K

1489 07/09/2019 22
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Golubačka tvrđava 4K

Golubačka tvrđava 4K - Golubac Fortress - Српска средњовековна тврђава Голубац.  4K - Golubačka tvrđava / Голубачкa тврђава. The base of Golubac Fortress is adapted to the configuration of the terrain. It comprises the Palace and 9 towers connected by ramparts. Given its architecture and the time of construction, it is apparent that the fortification is divided into two main parts: the Inner Fort, with the tallest Donjon or defence tower, better known as the Hat Tower, and the Outer Fort, which was the first to come under attack of the enemies. The Inner Fort, or more precisely its Upper Compound, was the first to be constructed, whereas the Palace with its defensive tower as well as the system of towers and ramparts in the Outer Fort were built in later stages, most likely during the reign of despot Stefan Lazarevic. tvrdjavagolubackigrad.rs