Drone Footage Dafa Canal in Zunyi Guizhou

2205 05/06/2017 151

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Drone Footage Dafa Canal in Zunyi Guizhou

Drone Footage Dafa Canal in Zunyi Guizhou 航拍贵州遵义大发渠 Dafa Canal is an irrigation canal located near Zunyi city,Guizhou province. In western China there are dozens of irrigation canals looks like this. Huang Dafa, the canal builder of Caowangba village. Hidden deep in the mountains in Guizhou Province flows Dafa canal, which brings water and hope to the residents of Caowangba village.Huang Dafa, a former official of Caowangba, with the help of the villagers constructed the canal over 36 years. The canal was finally completed in 1995. At that time, the villagers could only live on potatoes and corn, as there was no water for other crops. Besides that, they had no electricity and no decent roads.Huang found that Yebiao village, a few kilometers away, had water to spare. Although some people said that Caowangba would never get access to water, Huang never lost hope. From 1992, Huang led 200 people in digging the canal.However, now in his eighties Huang still checks the canal regularly to make sure it is working well. China Plus News