Drone Travel Videos-our story

Drone Travel Videos-our story

Everything you need to know about us!


Travelwithdrone.com is an independent website (since 2013/14) where you can see free best drone videos from all over the world: from Grand Canyon in Arizona to Dubai Desert in UAE, from Brooklyn Bridge in New York to beautiful beaches on Ko Samui, Thailand. Here you will find thousands of amazing drone videos shared by other travelers and discover many places you have never seen before. Incredible natural landscapes and unique city architecture from the bird’s-eye view! This is your opportunity to see the most remote places of our planet through the travel drones’ cameras and go around the world without leaving your house!

Choose any location on our interactive map and enjoy the impressive travel drone videos HD. Lots of discoveries are waiting for you on the Travel With Drone website! Find new places to go on vacation, choose the best hotels and plan your routes in advance. You can see every location in great details and thus be prepared for traveling through the unfamiliar land.

The fashion resort advertisement won’t be 100% honest with you and a talented cameraman can make every location look attractive. Want to see everything for yourself? There are no commercial videos on our website, only real footage of various places: from Africa’s wild savannas to modern sky-scrapers of Los Angeles.

If you have questions from us, please feel free to email us at [email protected]


What is Travelwithdrone.com:


  •  Thousands of aerial drone videos in HD.
  •  Popular tourist routes and hotels.
  •  Unique locations not featured in the guidebooks.
  •  Amazing soundtracks.
  •  Unbiased best video ratings.
  •  Regularly updated database.


Make your own interactive travel map

Share your best travel videos taken by drone in our database and share them with others! Name the place and describe it in a few words so other travelers could easily find your video on the Internet. You can add YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos as well as your own high-quality photos to your map. We will make sure that as many people as possible could view your work. Together we create a unique society of Dronethusiasts and new routes explorers.


Share your drone videos with your friends and get more votes


Guests Vote on Travelwithdrone.com is an impartial rating made by the website’s visitors. Every user can rate the video on the scale from 1 to 5. Share your aerial travel video with friends in social networks and! Who knows, maybe you will become the next Internet star!

Travel With Drone is a free online-source for those who love travelling and aerial survey. Your task is to make an awesome travel video via drone and our mission is to make it popular.  We have made the biggest “live” travel map on the Internet and now we are improving it with your help.


Travel with drone online, explore new places and share the best videos with the entire world!

Before you upload your videos to the map, read the rules.


Travelwithdrone.com does not store your videos, we keep only your content, which describe these films. Each one of you who sends links to your videos should remember that we provide him a website which presents your video and the content. Each film along with the content has a unique Internet address. Describe your videos as much of content, it affects the visibility in the search engine. Website travelwithdrone.com has a search engine, which helps you find movie on the map and the nicks uploaders who put their movies. We contribute to the fact that a lot of aerial videos are in one place, so that every visitor on our website can not only on the map, but also in the search engine find it interesting content. Many people on the Internet looking for content of places of rest, try to, so in the descriptions of your videos use the names of these places.

 The initial verification and moderation is subject to any movie that you insert, it is the transparency and quality of the website.

After moderation movie will be released on the website in the form of a pin on the map.

Try to write sentences that describe the recorded footage properly !

On this page, visitors will be able to evaluate your materials in terms of relevance and quality

Any movie that gets points is automatically lifted to the top of the page, the condition is different IP addresses!

Technology of the future in the hotel industry


    While choosing their perfect hotel in their perfect holiday destination travelers around the world have always been following many different kinds of brochures, advertisements or other people recommendations. Nowadays thanks to digital cameras that made movie and photo making available to everyone on a huge scale, every guest of yours can basically take a photo or make a movie and post it online. These are the facts that you are naturally aware of. The problem with this homemade content is that usually it’s made unprofessionally and it may not represent the reality. Thanks to many websites with travel-related reviews your potential clients have the opportunity of verifying it.

People are hungry for digital content, they want more and more before making a decision. Often common photos and videos presenting hotel lobby and room equipment are not enough. They want to see the surroundings so they start to search for aerial videos.

     The latest technological marvels are UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), so called drones. Properly equipped they let skilled operator to film almost any object from bird’s view. For a last year in Europe we have been observing a rising tendency in tourism industry for making aerial videos. I countries like Spain or Italy having a video like this became an absolute must for a respectable hotel and it’s simply crucial in planning any promotional activities.

     For your potential client seeing an aerial video is very helpful in choosing the right hotel. Please keep in mind that every year more and more tourists from western countries will be facing the choice. We founded travelwithdrone.com because we wanted to collect in one place as many high-quality aerial videos as possible. Of course the videos are in Internet but they are scattered about websites like You Tube or Vimeo and are difficult to find. The website itself definitely shows booming interest in drone-related sector however it’s not the most important part of our offer. Drones are our passion and we assure you that we are experts in this field. Visit our website travelwithdrone.com to see much more. This is the technology of tomorrow available for you today. Help people choosing the right hotel – YOUR hotel.

About us

The reason why I created Travelwithdrone.com is because I travel a lot and before I go on a journey I always look for videos of the places where I will go.

Most of the videos don’t give you an accurate perspective of the location you are about to visit. So when Google launched “Street View” I felt a kind of relief, until it turned out that Google is using cars and that most of the views are done from the road. And unfortunately in the less frequented places Google didn’t even have any pictures of the location. So in 2012, I created the TravelWithDrone project to collect videos from the drone flying community and to place them on one single map with precise coordinates. Of course there is always a long way from the idea to the execution. So I have created my own, private page with a map, where I pinned my own travels.

In 2013, I discovered many Aerial Videos made with drones, which did led me to buy my own. Then, my initiative of placing my own videos on the map was reborn. Later, interested in the achievements of others, I noticed that there are hundreds, if not thousands of aerial videos, so I decided to create a mechanism that can gather these videos in one place. In fact, my map only included a small area, so I wanted to create something that covers a wider range of my country (Poland) and maybe even Europe. Because I am not an expert in IT with experience in building my own site, I asked a friend’s company to write a script and I bought the domain ”travelwithdrone.com”.

This idea was growing in my head for a long time, so we managed to build it in three months and launched the site on July 23, 2014. At the beginning, we invited UAV pilots who posted their videos on Vimeo. After a few days we went on YouTube channels, approached more people and invited them to include their aerial videos on the map. After three weeks, we had more than 1000 aerial videos from around the world on our map. Even today, we are still reviewing videos on Vimeo or YouTube and inviting their creators to use Travel With Drone.

The rules applying to our website can be found on the “About us” page. We do not store any videos, we store only the information such as the location and the description, simply because the page is based on WordPress and our main goal is to provide an explanation of the video. The Description is a form of tag, so the search engines can index the content in the first place. Travelwithdrone.com page only contains aerial videos and it has been created to serve drone pilots from worldwide in was a little bit similar to Google’s Street View. Our advantage is that the videos we collect cover a lot more than just the area next to roads, so our visitors should be able to find a lot of interesting details about the locations or even of their own neighborhood.

Our proud of the aerial videos we have collected of hotels around the world. We have a database of more than 2500 to date and we plan to add as many as possible. So we would like to invite all of you Dronethusiasts to come and check out Travel With Drone and post your videos to the site. We welcome the shots of any location as long as the video has some consistency in the story and that you cover one location per video. 


Happy posting!
23 July 2014


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