Beipanjiang Bridge Zhenfeng

1267 11/02/2019 151

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Beipanjiang Bridge Zhenfeng

Beipanjiang Bridge Zhenfeng Aerial 航拍贞丰北盘江大桥. One of what will eventually be an incredible 7 bridges that are in the 200 to 500 meter height range above the Beipanjiang River, the 2014 crossing is a gigantic beam viaduct with a span configuration of 118 + 220x2 + 118 meters. Despite being the "lowest" of the 7 Beipanjiang Bridge crossings, the 2014 bridge has piers that reach a skyscraping 147 meters. The bridge is also the southernmost of the Beipanjiang crossings on an expressway between Zhenfeng and Ziyun in China's Guizhou Province. The approach spans are 6x 40 and 5x 40 meters on the upper slopes of the valley. Beipanjiang Bridge Zhenfeng ⋆ TRAVEL with DRONE