Shing Mun Country Park

1485 01/11/2016 107
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Shing Mun Country Park

Shing Mun Country Park 湖中林 - 城門白千層 (Paper-bark Trees at Shing Mun) [4K航拍]Shing Mun Reservoir, Hong Kong, Hongkong//Shing Mun Reservoir is located in southern west area in New Territories, it was built on 1937, in the same year, the other name Jubilee Reservoir was designated to celebrate the 25th Jubilee of King George V. 城門水塘又稱上城門水塘,位於香港新界西南部,1937年建成。由於建成當年正是英皇登基25年,故又稱為「銀禧水塘」。水塘周邊廣泛地種植了白千層樹,白千層加上水塘湖面的倒影吸引了大批攝影愛好者前來。