Pass Through Tianmen Cave

1544 08/11/2016 151

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Pass Through Tianmen Cave

Pass Through Tianmen Cave 航拍穿越天门洞 104 Xiang Dao Yongding Qu Zhangjiajie Shi Hunan Sheng China/ Tianmen mountain is not only a nature marvel,but also a man made marvel now,it has at least 4 world record engineering miracles:1, 7455 meters long cable car with tower build on steep peaks. 3,highest cliffwalk with about 355m high, 3 section glass cliffwalk with more than 200m high.4,longest escalator cross mountain with 672m long(12 sections),about 340m high from top of the mountain to parking area. From this video 00:50-01:12 can seen cliffwalk on top of right cilff.