Sunset Peak Sunrise

1561 15/11/2016 107
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Sunset Peak Sunrise

 Sunset Peak Sunrise 金芒 ‧ 曙光 - 大東山日出 (Sunrise at Sunset Peak) [4K航拍]Sunset Peak (or Tai Tung Shan) is 869m high, is the third highest peak in Hong Kong. During autumn/winter, the whole mountain is covered by golden Chinese silvergrass (miscanthus). Sunset Peak is also a nice place for sunrise and sunset. 大東山位於大嶼山南部,海拔高度869米高,是全香港第三高的山峰。每年芒草盛開的秋冬季節,整個山頭都染成金黃色,景色十分醉人,吸引了大批遊人賞芒。除了賞芒外,大東山亦是欣賞日落和日出的最佳地方,故英文名稱為「Sunset Peak」。