Kairouan Central Mosque

1196 25/01/2015 4

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Kairouan Central Mosque

Kairouan Central Mosque - Great Mosque of Kairouan Rue De La Kasbah, Kairouan, Kairuan, Tunisia Rare arial view of Kairouan Great Mosque or Mosque of Uqba in Tunisia. Known as the Great Mosque of Kairouan, it is an early example of a hypostyle mosque that also reflects how pre-Islamic and eastern Islamic art and motifs were incorporated into the religious architecture of Islamic North Africa. The aesthetics signified the Great Mosque and Kairouan, and, thus, its patrons, were just as important as the religious structures, cities, and rulers of other empires in this region, and that Kairouan was part of the burgeoning Islamic empire. pl.khanacademy.org