Montecitori Palace

2115 21/01/2016 27
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Montecitori Palace

Montecitori Palace Parlamento Italiano - Roma Montecitori Palace, Piazza di Monte Citorio, Rome, Italy Questa è solo una 'clip esempio' del materiale presente nell'Archivio Flycam. Per scaricare la clip in massima risoluzione o per accedere al nostro database audiovisivo contattaci qui: [email protected] This is a sample video selected from the Flycam Archive. If you want to download it full resolution or watch more videos in our database, please contact us: [email protected] Monte Citorio (today Montecitorio) was the name given to a small man-made mound originating from the levelling of the nearby area where Emperor Augustus built Horologium Divi Augusti, a gigantic sundial. Mons Acceptorius (mountain fit for receiving) is thought to be the source of the current name, although others believe it derives from Mons Citatorius, because of the citations (orders to appear in a law court) which were hung on the pedestal of Colonna di Antonino Pio. Vasi calls the palace Curia Innocenziana because it was completed by Pope Innocent XII to house several tribunals and the police headquarters.