Small castle in Carrigrohane

1078 09/01/2016 26
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Small castle in Carrigrohane

Small castle in Carrigrohane Aerial view Lough Mahon, Carrigrenan, Co. Cork, Ireland, Castle/Lough Mahon, Carrigrohane, Cork, Ireland/Drone Video Lough Mahon, Carrigrenan, Co. Cork, Ireland, small Castle/2K Video/Hexacopter spec:Frame - Thunder S550/Motors - Emax 2213 935KV/ESC - Emax 20A SimonK/Flight Controler - DJI Naza Lite M upgraded to naza-M V2 firmware/GPS - Ublox M8N GPS Compatible with DJI NAZA Lite/Props -1045 Carbon Fiber Propeller/Battery Zop Power 11,1V 3S 8000mAh 30C/Radio - Devo10 DEVO-RX703A/Camera - Xsiaomi Yi/Gimbal - BGC 2 Axis Metal Brushless Gimbal/Weight around 2kg/Basic Gain Pich-180 Roll -180 Yaw -240 Vertical -195/Attitude gan Pich-180 Roll -180