Stonecutters Island

1670 10/10/2016 107
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Stonecutters Island

Stonecutters Island日落西橋 - 昂船洲日落 (Sunset at Stonecutters Island) [4K航拍]Stonecutters Island, Hong Kong, Hongkong. Stonecutters Island is a former island in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. Following land reclamation, it is now attached to the Kowloon Peninsula. ***提示***【本片意在介紹昂船洲日落景色,我們不鼓勵航拍初學者在建築物上空及人口密集地區進行拍攝,片段中的效果亦經過後期加工及剪接。】Stonecutters Island is a former island in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. Following land reclamation, it is now attached to the Kowloon Peninsula. 昂船洲曾稱盎船洲及向島,位於香港境內,原為位於九龍半島西面的島嶼,經填海後已連陸。昂船洲的地形原本像一條翻轉的船,故稱昂(仰)船洲。昂船洲著名的地方有貨櫃碼頭,以及昂船洲大橋。該處也是觀賞日落的好去處。 音樂 Music:(1) Angina (from soundorbis), (2) fly high (from mick)