Schloss Solitude

1074 09/04/2015 212
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Schloss Solitude

DJI Phantom 2 Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Germany. Planning for the hunting lodge and summer residence commenced in 1763. It was conceived as a lavish palace complex with extensive, almost endless gardens, a game park and woodland. Duke Carl Eugen von Württemberg commissioned a team led by architect Philippe de la Guêpière with the design of the entire site and the interiors. The Duke himself played a very active role. The principal building, the opulent centrepiece, was constructed largely for show. The Duke and his entourage occupied a slightly more modest building on the south side. From 1755, the Duke turned his attention to other projects, such as Hohenheim Palace.The interior of the palace radiates splendour and is designed in the late Rococo and early Neoclassical styles. The main building, an exceptionally charming pavilion at the centre of the complex, with decorative and intricate rooms, has been well preserved. Its highlight is the White Hall (Weisse Saal) beneath the domed roof. Some testshots with Phantom 2, D3 3D Gimbal in and around Gerlingen

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