Ljubljana Castle

1122 19/04/2015 212
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Ljubljana Castle

Ljubljana Castle - Aerial Video/ Grajska Planota, Slovenia/A mighty medieval fortress, a symbol of the Slovenian capital Ljubljana is an interesting tourist point, the idyllic grounds for long strolls just a glance away from the lively city centre. The Ljubljana castle offers many cultural, historic and entertaining events throughout the year. Eine mächtige mittelalterliche Festung, Symbol der slowenischen Hauptstadt, ein interessanter Ausflugspunkt für Touristen, idyllischer und nur wenige Minuten vom lebhaften Stadtrummel entfernter Spazierweg, kulturelles Zentrum von Ljubljana ..., lädt Sie das ganze Jahr über zu Spaziergängen zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart ein. Sredi mestnega vrveža, vendar ravno prav odmaknjena od njega, kakor na piedestalu stoji mogočna srednjeveška trdnjava. S svojega privilegiranega položaja obiskovalcu ponuja osupljive razglede po okolici, pa tudi sprehod po preteklosti in odmik od naglice, ki vlada vsakdanjiku pod njo. Aerial Video Of Ljubljana Castle.Its unique location has from ancient times enabled it to serve as a safe refuge, a strategic point or a residence. With its dominant position the castle soon became a symbol of the city. Through the centuries, it has met with various fates and its function has frequently changed, but there is no doubt that it is and will remain a symbol of the Slovene capital.

Žiga Deisinger